For some strange reason, Yuji Itadori, despite his insane athleticism would rather just hang out with the Occult Club. However, her soon finds out that the occult is as real as it gets when his fellow...
With everyone's memories having been altered, Boruto finds himself being hunted by his own village. After escaping with Sasuke, what future awaits Boruto...?
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex (BORUTO -ボルト- -TW...
As a child, Monkey D. Luffy was inspired to become a pirate by listening to the tales of the buccaneer "Red-Haired" Shanks. But Luffy's life changed when he accidentally ate the Gum-Gum Devil Fruit an...
Chainsaw Man is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. The story revolves around Denji, a young man with a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life. However, Denji'...
Middle school student Izuku Midoriya wants to be a hero more than anything, but he hasn’t got an ounce of power in him. With no chance of ever getting into the prestigious U.A. High School for budding...
Welcome to Kindergarten Noir, an exclusive school catering to children of the global elite. Rita, one of the teachers, has been on the hunt for a boyfriend but has had absolutely zero luck so far. One...
The remote town of North Hill has been quarantined to prevent the spread of the mysterious Couper disease that is turning people into cannibals. Young soldier Billy returns to his hometown for the fir...