I’ve got zero interest in real-life girls! My waifu, Liliel, exists purely in 2D!” Or so thought Manga Club President Okumura, until one day...could it be? Standing right before him, Liliel in the fle...
Kawada Sensei, the creator of Hinomaru Sumo, returns to Shonen Jump! Nito is living a quiet high school life while taking care of his disabled grandpa, but thanks to an encounter with a schoolmate str...
All my brothers cried! !! Onii-chan’s strongest legend, opening! !! !! Hero Eugene is forcibly reincarnated by the Demon Lord Venom Zard. Then, in the far future world, he became a noble boy named Jul...
Hori-san to Miyamura-kun (堀さんと宮村くん, lit. “Hori and Miyamura”) is a Japanese shōnen web manga series written and illustrated by Hiroki Adachi, under the pseudonym Hero. It was self-published on Hero’s ...